Monday 31 October 2011

14 : Exemplars

Structural principles such as repetition evoke a sense of movement within a design.  I am inspired by the use of materials and spatial arrangements of these projects:

Centre d’Examen du Permis / a+ Samuel Delmas / France

Puerta Umbría High Speed Rail Station / Rafael de La-Hoz Arquitectos / Spain

Infostructure / Manifesto / London

Infostructure / Manifesto / London
BA_LIK / Vallo Sadovsky Architects / Slovakia
BA_LIK / Vallo Sadovsky Architects / Slovakia

Temporary Hotel / IAA Architects

Flederhaus / Heri & Salli / Vienna, Austria

Cadiz Temporary Pavilion / Breathnach Donnellan with EASA Participants / Spain

Temporary Art Pavillion / 4F-K

Temporary Art Pavillion / 4F-K

Temporary Art Pavillion / 4F-K

Design Miami Tent / Moorhead & Moorhead / Miami

China Agricultural University Gymnasium

China Agricultural University Gymnasium

China Agricultural University Gymnasium

Friday 28 October 2011

13 : Split Personality

Over the past few weeks I have been establishing a portfolio and I stumbled across an old project I did named 'split personality'.. which was a convertible hotel/office space which catered for students, as they usually hold the characteristic of having two personalities.. one for study and one when they relax.  I suppose this is true for other profession, namely politicians.  They have their public professional persona, and then they have their home personal life... I suppose these lines are beginning to blur with the increased use of social media (Twitter updates 24/7)... but the split will remain..

Here are some of my explorations about this idea:

13 : Lecture

Today's lecture was pretty much a summary of the semester, but if there is one thing I have learned from this lecture series it would be this:

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Wednesday 26 October 2011

12 : Exemplar : Mobile Parliament

Look what popped up on my archdaily newsletter this morning.... "Mob-ile Parliament" is a project by Melbourne-based Andrew Maynard Architects.  Here is the description,

A mobile, adaptable architecture is a democratic architecture. Democracy is a weird creature. An illusion of choice. An illusion that those in power are truly answerable to the masses. Many of the spaces that elected representatives occupy are heavily controlled, fortified and spatially manipulated to the benefit of the representative rather than those represented. The disenfranchised, those left out, those left behind, those completely disempowered have only one way to make themselves heard; forced to embrace mobility and guerrilla style hit-and-run tactics. The letter to the editor can be ignored. The push, or the shove, cannot. In frustration many choose to express their dissatisfaction and disillusion physically rather than through rational argument. Many aren't even afforded the right to be heard. The security and safety of elected representatives is undeniably important, as it is with all constituents. So how do we allow the will of the people to manipulate parliamentary space to express dissatisfaction with, or celebration of, their representatives? How do we allow them to be seen and to contribute to physical/spatial change, even if only symbolically? If mobility and hit-and-run guerrilla tactics empower the disempowered and marginalised, if only momentarily, then perhaps a truly democratic parliament is one that responds spatially to the will of the people. Perhaps a parliament can be both fortified and open to attack. What if parliament could be manipulated by the masses? What if parliament's spatial condition is changeable by those that are dissatisfied and marginalised as well as those that are pleased with the contributions of elected representatives? The abrupt, confrontational nature of direct physical interaction is what drives the Mobile Parliament. Though safe within, the politician’s access to view and light can be democratically controlled by the public.

Pretty inspiring idea and graphics I think -- I wish I stumbled upon this earlier!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

12 : Programming 1

I experimented with some more programming configurations, based on the basic circulation I was trying to achieve as proposed in the tutorial last Friday.  I like having the train line as the 'spine' and the programming expanding from up and above the train line.

Monday 24 October 2011

12 : Final Design Brief

My design brief has been a bit all over the place, just a whole lot of buzzwords like 'design for dissaembly', 'mobility of people' etc.. so I've written a more extensive brief which address each criteria, just so that I can stay on track over the next two weeks.  All of these criteria answer the questions in my lecture notes found in 07 : Lecture

  • STRATEGY: Woden Valley Depot is supported by various existing systems such as extensive cycle routes, the Westfield Woden bus interchange and Athllon Drive which connect Woden town centre to Tuggeranong.  On an urban scale, the depot is located directly opposite the Westfield shopping centre and town centre which is a central access point for residents in both east and west locations.
  • LOGISTICS: The light rail carriages itself become parts of the circulation of the station.  The structure of the depot allows for a variety of configurations and is designed to a grid system which allows the light rail carriages to line up and connect to form these integrated corridors between the permanent structure and the 'mobile' carriages.
  • PURPOSE AND FUNCTION: To simplify the built form for the presentation, I will use a basic greyscale format for general information and colour where necessary.  I will use an exploded diagram to demonstrate the three structural elements of the Woden Valley Depot, The internal steel framing, backlit skin of perforated steel as cladding and concrete as overall structural base.
  • CIRCULATION AND ACCESS: axonometic floor plans will be used to help illustrate how users move from one for to another, through the use of elevators, stairs and ramps.
  • STRUCTURAL / OPERATIONAL: I will endeavor to display a variety of possible operational outcomes, such as displaying simple diagrams with convey how the structure will react and move in relation to the people who are using the space.
  • PRESENCE AND IDENTITY: I will present my proposal in a variety of scales.  On a ACT scale, on a Woden Valley scale and from the user perspective.  This will allow me to show how my architectural entity is integrated with the existing context.
  • USER EXPERIENCE: My whole panel will be based on how a variety of people interact with the light rail system over a 24 hours period.  This project diagrams on how the interior spaces of the light rail cater for a variety of needs during the day, as well as how the depot is activated at night time for public forum events.
  • AESTHETIC RIGOR: As with all of my projects, I take a lot of pride in how I communicate my ideas.  I have decided to do one continuous landscape panel, possibly equivalent to 2 x A2 panels which will feature a train line down the centre of the panel, explaining the different stops with icons the represent the needs of that particular area.  It will also include maps of existing cycle/bus routes.  Above the train line with be images/sketches/plans of the light rail carriages.. and then below will have images/sketches/plans/diagrams of the Woden Valley Depot.

Saturday 22 October 2011

12 : Tutorial

Here are my scans from the tutorial this week, very messy I know - trying to get whatever was in my head out onto the paper.  I quite like the diagram I finished with and I will use this as my base circulation pattern when organising my programs.

Thursday 20 October 2011

11 : Reflection

Feeling a little bit anxious for the two weeks ahead of me... My plan of attack is to get my storyboard done either later tonight / tomorrow morning before class.. so I can discuss that I will be meeting all the requirements for the presentation.. I don't like, doing a storyboard too far in advance.. but at this stage I think it is important to ensure that I am focusing on the right drawings..

Wednesday 19 October 2011

11 : Exemplar : Station 2

Musée National des Beaux Arts du Québec proposal / Allied Works Architecture
The ground floor is primarily transparent, providing a sense of the park extending through the building and into the courtyard, where a grove of Yellow birch provides shade and protection. The garden pavilion extends the landscape further, with the store and future café opening onto the courtyard with the entire building covered in planting.  The building is a braid that binds the diverse forces of site and program into one calm, beautiful and profound whole.  The new spaces are large enough to be flexible and accommodating, yet intimate enough to create personal experience with the art. The natural light is gentle and luminous, providing a sense of connection to nature and life. There are also moments of repose along the journey, places to sit and gaze out into the canopy and courtyard.

11 : Exemplar : Station 1

Here is a concept development what was a public building done in close proximity to a railway line.I think this type of structure / form would work well, if the train lines were actually running through it... maybe they stopped in staggered positions??

New Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts Competition proposal / Allied Works Architecture

The forms and spaces of the new MCBA are both monumental and transparent. The building’s geologic form is fractured by activity, providing glimpses into and through the heart of the building. Ideal gallery proportions establish a rhythm of space and structure along the Arts Walk and rail lines.  Between galleries, structure, circulation and light form fissures of transparency – filtering and diffusing light into the galleries, providing views to the landscape and city while connecting the building vertically. With a simple juxtaposition and pivot of structure the building becomes alive with light and energy. The new architecture binds the city, landscape and art into one synthetic experience.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

11 : Exemplar : A New Infrasturcture

I like looking at competition panels to gains some inspiration on how to display my panels and the best images to use to convey the right information.. I happen to find a competition which related to new infrastructure in Los Angeles here

Some of my favourite images / projects are displayed below:
1) Glocalizing Los Angeles : The physical separations between places of work and play have become outdated and burdensome. Meanwhile the divide between commercial, residential, agricultural, and manufacturing zones have become so exaggerated that the infrastructures needed to connect and sustain them crumble in lack of upkeep and congestion.

2) Modular Diffusion : In a car, the passenger can go from any given point to another in one continuous trip. To achieve this level of mobility in tandem with an increase in roadway capacity, we introduce a mass transit system based upon a Modular Transit Vehicle (MTV for short). This modular system would allow passengers to (1) board from a wide range of street stops, (2) travel along the freeway, and (3) take the freeway exit closest to the destination drop passengers off there, all in one ride.
3) Interstate 10 : 